Frequently Asked Questions:

What type of NPI do I need?
  • Individual clinical providers need a Type 1 NPI.
    • Medicare, Medicaid and most commercial plans require each practitioner to have their own individual NPI number.
    • This one NPI which will follow you regardless of where you are working.
  • Your associated group or medical facility will need a Type 2 NPI, sometimes called an organizational NPI.
    • Medicare requires all incorporated healthcare entities regardless of the total number of providers, to obtain a Type 2 NPI.
    • Used by group practices and clinics.
    • Required for medical suppliers, facilities and other health care entities.
What is a CAQH? How do I get one?

The CAQH ProView database exists to eliminate duplicative paperwork with organizations that require professional and practice information for such activities as medical claims administration, credentialing, directory services, and other uses. Many organizations, including most insurance companies, require clinical providers to have a CAQH account. Additional features that can help the Provider include those such as EFT and directory updates. Click the link to create your CAQH. The created individual login details will be received quickly.

What is PECOS and, is it really important?

PECOS is the online Medicare enrollment management system which allows the provider to review information currently on the file that lists your demographic information.  It’s important so that Medicare accurately pays for visits or procedures for enrolled Medicare patients.

How is my data kept private?

Privacy is of the highest priority, and we utilize credentialing software which is SOC II certified. It has a single sign-on / MFA to ensure the highest level of security.

How does Foundation charge for services?

We can charge per full-time employee or we can charge per provider.

Who would be responsible for my account?

A specific coordinator will be assigned to manage your account.

Do you provide services in my state?

Foundation Credentialing provides enrollment and privileged services in all states.

How is my information maintained?

We utilize leading edge credentialing software to store documents, credentials and to organize our processes including both renewal and reappointment reminders, and applications. If needed, a roster and other reports may be generated.

Don’t see your answer? Contact us for more information.